Rio de Janiero-2010

Kristina's Travel Tips and Adventures

I frequently hear, "you travel more than anyone I know." I started this blog to share how I do it, highlights from my trips, travel tips, and some mistakes I've made along the way.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Finding the Time

In scheduling my vacation to Iceland for the first week of May 2010 I realized I will have been on 6 vacations in the past year: Europe (Germany, Austria, Italy), Hawaii, New York, San Francisco, Rio de Janiero-Brazil, and Iceland. How can I take that much time off work?

I have worked at the same job for nearly 4 years. I get a good amount of vacation time and the time I don’t use carries over to the next year. In addition I can use flex time instead of days off if I have been working a lot of extra hours. My ability to take time off is definitely a perk of the job.

You can still travel without having a ton of vacation time. In fact, I prefer shorter vacations. I found that two weeks in Europe was plenty of time for me. By the end my feet were killing me and I couldn’t appreciate what I was seeing as much as I would if I was full of travel excitement. I went to Hawaii in September 2009 and only took two days off work. Monday was a national holiday and I was gone over the weekend. It was a short vacation but was relaxing and since there wasn’t much I wanted to do in Hawaii was plenty of time. Most of my trips include being away on the weekend to minimize days off work. However, I do like to have a day to rest up before going back to work after international trips.

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