Rio de Janiero-2010

Kristina's Travel Tips and Adventures

I frequently hear, "you travel more than anyone I know." I started this blog to share how I do it, highlights from my trips, travel tips, and some mistakes I've made along the way.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

How I Afford to Travel

Maybe I’m cheap, maybe I’m frugal, but what I do know is that I am and always have been aware of what things cost. Even as a child when I would go out to eat I would always order less expensive items on the menu, even though my parents were paying. I started babysitting before I was twelve and was working after school and during school breaks since I was 16. I have been responsible for my money for a long time.

Currently I am 26 years old and have the money to travel when I want to and the vacation time to do it in. I am a social worker so being smart with my money is the only way I can do this. I drive a lot for my job so I started building my savings account by putting my mileage reimbursement checks into savings. Money was very tight when I first started my job so that was about all I could manage for savings. As I have moved up the pay scale instead of increasing my living costs I have increased my savings (okay, I have probably increased my living costs a little). I get paid twice a month and twice a month I automatically deposit money into my savings account. This started at about $200 twice a month. Now I am up to $375 twice a month. If I notice that I have significantly more money in my checking account than I need to pay my bills that month I will transfer some extra to saving. Sure sometimes I would like to have a new car. But if I did that I would have to dip into savings for the down payment and then have a monthly car payment. Eventually my car will die and I will need a new one, but at this point mine works and saving is my priority.

In addition to working full time I have always seemed to find a way to make extra money. It used to babysitting, dog sitting and housesitting. As I have gotten older I don’t really do any of those things. Currently I have some overtime opportunities at work I am taking advantage of. Although I don’t really like working on my weekend or evenings, the extra money makes buying a plane ticket guilt free. I think it also increases my desire for frequent vacations, because I definitely need some down time! My overtime pay is sporadic and totally depends on if there are emergencies or not. Not being able to count on the income makes it easier not to add it to my monthly budget and just see it a something extra.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

An amazing travel store in Seattle

Today I decided to check out Wide World Books & Maps, a travel store on Wallingford and 44th. On my way there heading west on 45th St I saw a man driving what looked like a tank...very interesting.

Surprisingly I was able to park right outside the travel store. I am going to Iceland in three weeks so decided to browse the guide books to see what they had. I went to Barnes & Noble awhile back and there was 1 travel guide on Iceland, literally 1. It was a Frommers guide which has no pictures but lots of info. At this travel store there were multiple copies of at least 5 different travel guides on Iceland, I was in heaven! So of course, I decided I needed another. I picked out a Globetrotters one that came with a huge map and lots of pictures, a perfect balance to the one I already have. I was able to talk to real live person to make sure I got the right outlet adapter. I could go on and on about this store, it had so many guide books, novels, maps, and travel accessories I could have spent all day there!

On my way back home there were two police cars on the side of the road with their lights on. I slowed down to catch a glimpse of the action. There was a man on the ground with 3 officers around him and a woman recording it all on her cell phone. They pulled him up and he tried to give an officer a big kick with his black combat boot. What an adventure my trip to the travel store turned out be!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Finding the Time

In scheduling my vacation to Iceland for the first week of May 2010 I realized I will have been on 6 vacations in the past year: Europe (Germany, Austria, Italy), Hawaii, New York, San Francisco, Rio de Janiero-Brazil, and Iceland. How can I take that much time off work?

I have worked at the same job for nearly 4 years. I get a good amount of vacation time and the time I don’t use carries over to the next year. In addition I can use flex time instead of days off if I have been working a lot of extra hours. My ability to take time off is definitely a perk of the job.

You can still travel without having a ton of vacation time. In fact, I prefer shorter vacations. I found that two weeks in Europe was plenty of time for me. By the end my feet were killing me and I couldn’t appreciate what I was seeing as much as I would if I was full of travel excitement. I went to Hawaii in September 2009 and only took two days off work. Monday was a national holiday and I was gone over the weekend. It was a short vacation but was relaxing and since there wasn’t much I wanted to do in Hawaii was plenty of time. Most of my trips include being away on the weekend to minimize days off work. However, I do like to have a day to rest up before going back to work after international trips.